
What is happiness in our life?

What if people change the gesture from How are you? to Are you Happy? Things will change, right? Because no one will ever be able to answer a “Yes” for this question. Look everyone has a  different perspective for describing what happiness is for real. To begin with, happiness is a  problem and to understand this better I would like you to visualize this famous story with me.  About twenty-five hundred years ago there was a prince who never go through even a moment of suffering. His every need, every desire was fulfilled by the king. The king built high walls around the palace that prevented the prince from knowing the outside world. These all practices spoiled the child but one-night prince snuck out of the palace to see what was beyond its walls. He was horrified when he drives through the local village he saw sick people, people struggling,  old people, people in pain, homeless people, and people dying. When the prince returned to the palace, he was disturbed by...


  CONSUMER DAY - MONKMART   The day that highlights the rights and power of a consumer and customer, is Consumer Day . The day was created to raise consumer awareness. Every year on March 15th, the consumer movement observes World Consumer Rights Day to raise global awareness about consumer rights and needs. Celebrating the day is an opportunity to demand that all consumers' rights be respected and protected, as well as to protest market abuses and social injustices that undermine those rights. President John F. Kennedy inspired World Consumer Rights Day by sending a special message to the US Congress on March 15, 1962, in which he formally addressed the issue of consumer rights. He was the world's first leader to do so. The consumer movement commemorated that date for the first time in 1983, and it is now used every year to mobilize action on important issues and campaigns. What exactly is a consumer? A consumer is any single person or group of people, other than the buyer, w...


  -ANANDAN R In India, Cleanliness day, January 30 is considered as Cleanliness Day as an effort of commemorating Gandhi's death memorial. Why Gandhi? he was the face of the Indian freedom fight against the imperial British forces. He based his principles and teaching on the pillars of the importance of cleanliness to be followed all over the country and followed the ahimsa . He realized the importance of cleanliness and made it to be reflected in his teachings. We have an old saying in Tamil which goes like, “ சுத்தம் சோறு போடும் ” . which translates to cleanliness never fails to feed. This is the level of importance we had for cleanliness, from the olden days. We celebrate the cleanliness year after year, with preaching and pledges taken and to be forgotten in the instant that it is taken.  This indicates the existing distinction between the practice and preaching that we as a people follow and leave for future generations.  Often, we could find that our house is bei...

Yoga for the mind- Monkmart:

-Vignesh  Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science of healthy living. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’.    Yoga is a mind and body practice. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures,  breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga is an ancient practice that may have originated in India. It may involve movement, physical exercise, reading, breathing, etc to promote mental and physical well-being.  In the whole mediation means to focus all our concentration on any particular thing. Reading a book is yoga:   Reading consistently strengthens connections in the brain, improves memory and concentration, and may even help you live longer. Reading can also reduce stress levels and prevent age-related cognitive decline to read more, set aside time ever...